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"The BIPP lab welcomes applications from motivated

   and creative graduate students and postdoctoral fellows."

| Recruitment Department : Materials Science and Engineering, Convergence IT Engineering, Chemical engineering, Mechanical Engineering,  and I-BIO.

| Recruitment Position : M.S. , M.S./Ph.D. Integrated, and Ph.D. Course, and Post-Doctor.

| Examination Guidelines : Please refer to  POSTECH website.

| Contact : 정성준 교수 (

| Way to come 

경상북도 포항시 남구 효자동 청암로 67 RIST 3동, 3295호 

Bio-Printing and Printed Electronics Lab. (BiP²)

RIST, POSTECH, 67 Cheongam-Ro, Nam-Gu, Pohang, South Korea, 37673

Copyrights 2016 Bio-Printing and Printed Electronics Lab. All Rights Reserved.

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